新关注 > 信息聚合 > 2236元买50寸乐视超级电视 还送4年会员

2236元买50寸乐视超级电视 还送4年会员

2236 yuan to buy 50 inch Letv super TV also send member of 4 years

2016-09-19 15:12:54来源: IT168

【IT168 资讯】今日,乐视黑色919乐迷电商节终于盛启。琳琅满目的打折优惠促销信息令人应接不暇,这其中,电视品类的促销信息着实吸引人。比如,50寸的超4 X50超级电视套餐(价值2499元的超4...

Today, IT168 information 】 【 Letv black 919 fans electricity section ChengQi finally. Wide variety of discounts promotions are overwhelmed, the television category information of sales promotion is attractive. For example, of 50 inches X50 4 super TV package (RMB 2499 worth of super 4...