新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《Pokemon GO》孵蛋活动开启 新形态宝可梦登场

《Pokemon GO》孵蛋活动开启 新形态宝可梦登场

The Pokemon GO hatch open New form treasure can dream

2018-11-16 00:00:00来源: 人民网

美国任天堂目前营运中的手机AR大作《Pokemon GO》,自北京时间11月15日起,部份在神奥地区发展出新进化形态的宝可梦将在游戏中登场。官网地址>> 此外,自11月15日清晨起至11月27日止,游戏内将举办【孵蛋马拉松】活动,训练家们将有机会从2公里蛋中孵出独角犀牛、多边兽及鸭嘴宝宝等宝可梦。如果训练家够欧皇,甚至有机会孵出闪光电击怪。

American nintendo the operation of mobile phone AR masterpiece "Pokemon GO, since Beijing time on November 15, part of the treasure in the form of a new evolution in ShenAo region can dream will appear in the game. Website address & gt; & gt; In addition, since early November 15 to 27 November, the game will be held in the marathon, incubation 】 activities, training, will have the opportunity to 2 km from the egg hatched one-horned rhino, multilateral beast and baby duck treasure can dream. If training home eutopean royal enough, even have a chance to hatch flash shock.