新关注 > 信息聚合 > 太子点评本波卡牌削弱 环境将偏向慢速

太子点评本波卡牌削弱 环境将偏向慢速

Prince comments on this wave card weaken the environment will be to slow

2017-09-07 20:53:21来源: 太平洋游戏网


Activation: 3 years, finally changed, the characteristics of this card is very druid card, weaken the activation basic is weakened all druids. Jump at the same time, the activation fee effect is also on the druid's most uncomfortable when a card, such as a T1 dragon what do a single brush. Zero fee card should be the most should be carefully designed a card. Fish people leading: great changes, mainly in view of the effect of blood, and blood of the halo effect can offset + vulcanus such as life...