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为了叫板京东 国美拿出了“秘密武器”

In order to challenge Jingdong Gome took out "secret weapon"

2015-05-26 18:21:01来源: 站长之家

站长之家5月26日消息 年中将至,电商界暗流涌动,一场大战即将爆发。无论是天猫的年中大促,还是京东的618店庆,都将带来一场精彩的撕逼大战。最近,国美这厮胆子肥了,竟公然跟京东杠起来了。 在撕逼这件事上,国美拼出了新高度。先是推出了“决战618,巅峰低价趴”的主题大促(其意图已经很明显...

webmaster news on May 26 years will be to, electric business the undercurrent, a war is imminent. Whether it is to promote the Tmall years, or Jingdong 618 anniversary, will bring a wonderful tear force war. Recently, the United States who dared to Hefei, openly with Jingdong bar up. In the tear of the matter, the United States and the United States to fight a new height. First introduced the decisive battle 618, the pinnacle of the theme of the big promotion (its intent has been obvious...

标签: 京东