新关注 > 信息聚合 > 仍旧无法访问的A站,又开始招人了


Don't have access to A stand still, hiring again

2018-02-08 18:29:27来源: DoNews

DoNews互娱2月8日消息(记者 王诗诗)日前,频传关停的A站在招聘网站发布了大量工作岗位,涵盖JAVA、PHP、web前端、运维以及行政岗位。有A站在职员工表示,对于公司招人的事情并不知情,但确实存在员工排队离职走人的情况。另一位在职员工透露,目前上班处在一个不知道做什么的状况下,有新提出离职的员工还遇到了不知道找谁签字离职的情况,与此同时CEO刘炎焱如期出现在中文在线2月6日的年会上。而对于阿里将入股A站的外界传闻,该员工表示不太可信。事实上,阿里控股A站的消息从去年12月就开始传出,却一直没有实锤。有媒体报道, A站使用的阿里云服务器截止日期为1月31日24点,而根据阿里云规定,客户包...

DoNews on February 8, mutual entertainment news (reporter Wang Shishi) recently, koko to shut down A station in the recruitment website published A large number of jobs, JAVA, PHP, web front-end, operations, and administrative posts. There is A standing on-the-job employees said for things not know company hiring, but there is A staff lined up to leave. Another staff, currently work in a don't know what conditions, there is a new departure of employees also met don't know who sign it, leaving the company at the same time the CEO Liu Yanyan duly appeared in Chinese online on February 6th annual conference. For ali to take A stake in A station of the outside hearsay, the staff said not to be trusted. In fact, ali stood holding A message from started in December last year, but there has been no real hammer. There are media reports, A stand to use ali cloud server January 31 deadline for 24 points, and according to the relevant provisions of the ali cloud customer package...