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tutorabc CTO受邀EdTechXAsia 用科技创新提升学习效果

Tutorabc CTO invited EdTechXAsia with science and technology innovation enhance learning effect

2017-11-06 15:30:42来源: DoNews

2017年10月31日、11月1日,EdTechXAsia Summit亚洲教育科技峰会在新加坡会展中心MAX Atria盛大举行,tutorabc母公司iTutorGroup集团CTO汤峥嵘受邀出席此次峰会并发表演讲,一同出席的嘉宾还有EdTechXGlobal联合创始人Charles Mclntyre、Navitas Ventures CEO Patrick Brothers、可汗实验室学校执行总监Dominic Liechti、新加坡教育学院主席Ramasamy Sinnakaruppa等来自50多个国家的250多位知名教育企业家、投资人和教育专家。全球教育领袖齐聚一堂,分享对21世纪学...

On October 31, 2017, on November 1, EdTechXAsia education technology Summit Asia Summit held in Singapore conference and exhibition center MAX Atria, tutorabc iTutorGroup group parent company CTO Shang Zhengrong was invited to attend the Summit and delivered a speech, together with the guests and EdTechXGlobal co-founder, Charles Mclntyre, Navitas Ventures CEO Patrick khan Brothers, executive director of the laboratory school Dominic Liechti, Singapore education academy President Ramasamy Sinnakaruppa from more than 50 countries, such as more than 250 well-known education entrepreneurs, investors and experts in education. The global education leaders gathered to share learning for the 21st century...