新关注 > 信息聚合 > 热评:西安城墙马拉松迈向精品时代


Buzz: xi 'an city wall marathon boutique era

2016-09-28 10:39:50来源: 新浪

资料图。 “现在西安最抢手的是什么?国足的球票,城墙马拉松的参赛名额。3000个报名名额,上午不到30分钟就抢完了。我有好几个跑友都没抢上啊。”交大跑友王小平郁闷地说道。昨天上午,2016西安城...

Data diagram. "What is the most popular now in xi 'an? The team's tickets, the wall marathon in the history of the places. 3000 registration places, snapped up the less than 30 minutes in the morning. I have several running friend didn't rob ah." Jiaotong university running friend wang xp said wistfully. Yesterday morning, 2016 xian city...