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不单“嫁”阿里 苏宁还要在线下找对象

Not only "married" Ali Su Ning also online to find object

2015-08-26 16:26:59来源: 亿邦动力网


8 month 26. Today, held in Suning internal 2015 the third working conference, Zhang Jindong pointed out, Suning has ushered in the era of all-round opening to the outside world, not only with ALI this platform for business cooperation, the need to be connected, including shopping centers, more line platform, to build a real Suning retail Internet ecosystem. "The focus of the next job is to focus on retail CPU, open to the outside world." Zhang Jindong said. Zhang Jindong believes that the retail CPU - supply chain, logistics and services - is the core competitiveness of the Internet, and now, Suning already have these three points have been formed, and then to the industry, social output. In the open object, it includes both the supplier and the platform, the partners, and the retail end of the community convenience store, the community service network, and so on. On the future development strategy, billion state power network to understand, Suning will build "Suning supermarket" become "Suning appliance...