新关注 > 信息聚合 > 3D国漫《少年歌行》定档12月26日


The 3 d of diffuse "the youth poetry" on December 26

2018-12-05 00:00:00来源: 人民网

中影年年打造的首部古风题材,根据不可能的世界知名作家周木楠的千万人气神作S级同名小说改编,哔哩哔哩联合出品、爱奇艺首次参投的2018领军3D动画《少年歌行》确认将在12月26日在爱奇艺和B站双平台播出! 《少年歌行》定档视频中展现出精致的制作水准令人印象深刻。无论是近唐风格的场景展示还是细致生动的人物呈现,都势必会给观众带来电影级别的视听体验。 《少年歌行》讲述了四个拥有离奇身世却又英气潇洒的少年侠客,一路相伴一路纠葛的江湖故事。牵动整个江湖的黄金棺材,身世成谜从未露脸的主角无心都在二次元领域引发了热烈讨论和巨大话题,四个性格鲜活的美少年主角设定更是在国漫中脱颖而出,这也是《少年歌行...

China film every year to build the first ancient subject, according to the impossible of the world famous writer Zhou Munan must popular god make novel s-class, bi and bi li co-productions, iQIYI parameter of 2018 for the first time leading 3 d animation "youth poetry" confirmation in iQIYI on December 26th and B double broadcast platform! File video that the young poetry brought the fine quality of the production is impressive. Nearly tang case scenarios show or detailed and vivid characters, is bound to bring the audience movie level of audio-visual experience. "Youth poetry" tells the story of four has extraordinary life is natural and unrestrained heroic spirit of young chivalrous man, go all the way entanglements of story. Affects the whole runescape gold coffin, the leading role of origin a mystery never show unintentionally have triggered a heated discussion in the field of secondary yuan and huge topic, four character lively beautiful young protagonist set is stand out in the flood, this is also the young poetry...