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利剑出鞘 《天尊》战鼓鸣武林

"Inside" Ming war sword martial arts

2016-03-30 20:25:40来源: 不凡游戏网

《天尊》只出产英雄,不出产弱鸡,有勇无谋只称匹夫。战力是个很费脑的东西,善用装备、资源巧转化、玩转宝石镶嵌才是成为强者的王道。峥嵘水月,利剑出鞘,强者独领风骚! 在《天尊》中宝石可以用来镶嵌于装备位置上以提升自身属性,天尊的宝石共分为6种(物攻、法攻、道术、物防、法防、气血),每种宝...

"Inside" its hero, no chicken, said only more brave than wise man. Power is a fee brain thing, the use of equipment, resources, transformation of clever gems is a fun way to become strong. Towering water, sword scabbard, strong dominance! In the "jewel", can be used to embedded in the equipment position so as to improve their properties, the gem, is divided into 6 types (physical attack, attack, operation, anti matter, anti blood), each kind of treasure...