新关注 > 信息聚合 > 女性专属福利《热血江湖》女神节约会指南


A women-only welfare goddess "blood quack" savings will guide

2017-03-09 00:00:00来源: 人民网

如今3月8日这一天也有了好听的名字——女王节或女神节。女人不但是现代社会中的重要群体,在游戏中也同样能顶半边天。在今天这个属于全天下女人的重要节日里,17game旗下武侠网游《热血江湖》特别推出约会路线,男同胞们赶快行动起来,带着MM一起过节,放松心情,开心游戏! 《热血江湖》改编自韩国同名人气漫画,拥有原汁原味的武侠背景和故事情节。游戏以有别于传统武侠网游的清新亮丽的画面风格、Q萌可爱的人物造型、丰富多样的游戏内容等,深受广大玩家的喜爱。游戏中,美轮美奂的建筑和风景优美的地图让每一个玩家在游戏过程中都能赏心悦目。各种地图美景绝对是约会的好地方,而趁此机会向MM们告白,也将有很高的成功...

Now the day on March 8 has a nice name - goddess of female group or section. A woman is not only an important group in modern society, in the game can also hold up half the sky. In this day belongs to one of the most important festival in the world women, 17 game's martial arts online game "blood quack" special launch date line, male compatriots to act quickly, the holiday season with MM, relax and fun game! "Blood quack" based on a popular cartoon, South Korea has the authentic martial arts background and story. To is different from the traditional martial arts online game style of pure and fresh and beautiful images of cute characters, Q, rich variety of game content, etc., loved by the majority of players. Game, beautiful buildings and scenic map to let every player in the game process can feast for the eyes. Map of all kinds of beauty is a great place for dating, and take this opportunity to MM people confession, will also have a very high success...