新关注 > 信息聚合 > 买年货进入高峰期"剁手族"当心网购骗局


Do Spring Festival shopping into the peak "chop hand family" Beware of online shopping online shopping fraud

2015-01-29 20:19:13来源: IT168

春节临近,网购年货迎来高峰期,各种虚假购物钓鱼也进入了高发阶段。网上的骗子越来越多,骗术也更加高明。此时,如果 “剁手族”没有一点防骗意识,很容易步入“网骗”精心设下的圈套,造成财产损失。 今年1月,周女士遇上了一个“网骗”。周女士打算在年前给自己换个二手手机。听说网上的二手手机比新...

Spring Festival approaching, special purchases for the Spring Festival usher in the peak period, all kinds of false shopping fishing also entered the high stage. More and more online crooks, deception and sophisticated. At this time, if the "chop hand family" little awareness of fraud prevention, it is easy to enter the "network cheat" carefully set trap, causing the loss of property. In January this year, Ms. Zhou met a "network cheat". Ms. Zhou plans in the years ago give yourself in a second-hand mobile phone. I heard that the online second-hand mobile phone than new...