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DOTA2 TI5小金本奖励解锁:沙漠地图测试预览

Dota2 ti5 small gold the unlock bonus: Desert test map preview

2015-06-23 10:10:25来源: 电玩巴士

近日DOTA2起源2引擎beta测试更新引起了玩家们的热议,而在这次更新中其实小金本奖励的沙漠地图也悄悄的加入到客户端中了,目前来看从地表植被到小动物都变成了沙漠中的样子,别具一格,颇有黄土高坡的气息,不知道正式上线后会不会进一步细化呢,下面放出一组预览图。 天辉神秘商店处 天辉...

recently dota2 origin 2 engine beta update caused players to the hot, and in this update is actually small gold reward of the desert map also quietly added to the client, so far from the earth's surface vegetation to small animals have become the way in the desert, unique, quite high loess slope of breath, do not know it formally launched will further refinement, the following release a preview. Hui Hui mysterious store is located in the sky...

标签: DOTA