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又是京东销售 疑似国行三星Note 7第二炸

Is jingdong sales suspected legal channels samsung Note 7 second blast

2016-09-19 10:41:06来源: 亿邦动力网

在贴吧网友@吉娃娃你 发帖称自己国行Note7爆炸之后不到24小时,百度Note7吧再曝一起三星Galaxy Note 7手机爆炸事件,网友@喵星小丸子 称,自己在京东商城购买的金色版三星Note7手机刚刚发生了爆炸,将自己床上的凉席都快点着了。第一起爆炸事件请点击不过目前该帖内容已被删除,爆料人@喵星小丸子 以及众多网友,正在声讨这种无故的删帖行为,有网友称:这是三星公关在行动,还有人说百度又收了黑心钱。我们现在只能从另一位网友留存的图片来看下,爆炸Note7手机及凉席的情况。

In post bar net friend @ chihuahua you post said his kingdom Note7 less than 24 hours after the explosion, baidu's Note7 again of samsung Galaxy Note 7 phone blast, netizens @ meow star with meatballs, said himself in the jingdong mall to buy gold version of the samsung Note7 phone just explodes, his bed mat are hurry up. The first explosion please click on the content of this post has been deleted, but revealed people @ meow star small balls And many are condemning the behavior of those without a reason, some netizens said: this is samsung pr in action, others say baidu accepted black-money again. Now we can only from the point of the image of another netizen retained, the explosion Note7 phones and mat.

标签: 京东 三星