新关注 > 信息聚合 > MOBA还有这种操作? 《传奇永恒》未知暗殿玩法曝光

MOBA还有这种操作? 《传奇永恒》未知暗殿玩法曝光

MOBA and this operation? "The eternal legend" unknown dark house play exposure

2017-10-22 00:00:00来源: 人民网

PK夺BUFF,杀怪抢极品,《传奇永恒》全新MOBA玩法未知暗殿即将登场,它将带来一个从未被探索过的神秘领域,一大波来历成谜的异界魔物,一种融合MOBA竞技的新奇玩法……一个不一样的玛法战场即将来临,你准备好了吗? 【场景】神秘诡异 定时开启 没有人知道未知暗殿是什么时候出现的,也没有人知道它的确切位置。在史料的记载中,它的发现是一个偶然,先辈们除了留下一个进入方法,并没有留下其它只言片语的信息。这是一个到处遍布遗迹的未知领域,巨大的石像、肆意生长的绿植、满是岁月痕迹的建筑……一切都让这里充满了神秘与诡异。 未知暗殿共有两层,每日19:00-22:00定时开启。一层的进入方法由NP...

PK seize the BUFF, monsters, "the eternal legend" new upcoming MOBA play unknown dark temple, it will be a mystery that has never been explored field, a big wave origin a mystery plane fiend, a novel fusion MOBA competitive play... A different method of battlefield is coming, are you ready? "Scene" weird mystery Time to open No one knows when the unknown dark temple is, no one knows its exact location. Found in the records of the historical data, it is an accident, they toiled in addition to leave a into methods, and left no other snippets of information. This is a dotted remains unknown, the growth of the huge stone, wanton green plant, is full of years trace building... Everything here is full of mysterious and strange. At 19:00 unknown dark house has two floors, the daily to 22:00 open regularly. A layer of entering method by NP...