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花千骨手游墨冰和杀姐姐哪个好 最强灵宠对决

Spend thousands of bone of hand travel ink ice and kill sister which is good for the strongest spirit pet showdown

2015-08-07 10:58:58来源: 4399

花千骨手游中新增的灵宠杀姐姐和尊上,他们两人一个是五上仙之首,一个是魔界圣君,究竟谁才是六界中最强的呢?现在同时出现在花千骨手游中,看来这场对决就在所难免。究竟是外表高冷的“护妻狂魔”白子画厉害还是颜倾六界的杀阡陌更胜一筹,就让他们在游戏中一决高下! 作为新灵宠的杀姐姐,是最先与玩家们...

spend thousands of bone tour of the new spirit pet kill sister and respect, the two of them a is five cents for the first time, a is the monarch and the devil, who on earth is the strongest of the six circles in it? Now also appears in the flower thousands of bones in the hands of the tour and view this battle is inevitable. What is looks high and cold "to protect his wife spree" albino painting severe or Yan tilt six circles kill superior criss cross paths, let them in the game in a showdown! As a new spirit pet killed my sister, is first and foremost players...

标签: 手游