新关注 > 信息聚合 > 今年10月起暴雪游戏将对XP与Vista系统停止支持


This year October blizzard games to stop support for XP and Vista

2017-07-20 18:02:00来源: DoNews

DoNews互娱7月20日消息(记者 黄胜)暴雪官方正式宣布从今年10月起将逐步结束暴雪旗下游戏对XP及Vista系统的支持。暴雪社区经理Nate Valenta发表蓝贴表示,从今年10月份开始,暴雪旗下《WOW》、《星际2》、《暗黑3》、《炉石》以及《风暴英雄》等游戏将逐步停止支持Windows XP和Windows Vista两款系统。暴雪社区经理Nate Valenta发表蓝贴其实微软早在2009年到2012年期间已经结束了对XP和Vista的维护,不过当时有相当一部分暴雪玩家仍在使用这些旧系统,所以暴雪一直没有放弃并且对其支持至今,不过自Vista之后微软已经推出了三个主流新版本,多数...

DoNews mutual entertainment news (reporter wong shing) on July 20, blizzard has officially announced that starting from October this year will gradually end of blizzard's game support for XP and Vista system. Blizzard community manager Nate Valenta issued a blue post said, starting in October this year, blizzard's "WOW", "starcraft 2", "diablo 3", "furnace" and "storm hero" game will be phasing out support for Windows XP and Windows Vista, the two systems. Blizzard community manager Nate Valenta published blue stick in fact Microsoft early during the period of 2009 to 2012 is over for the maintenance of XP and Vista, but there are quite a number of blizzard gamers still use the old system, so blizzard always didn't give up and to the support so far, but since Vista, Microsoft has launched three mainstream new version, most of the...

标签: 游戏 暴雪