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All the boring technology by Intel global robot innovation contest finals

2017-07-07 10:29:55来源: DoNews


Intel, hard egg can science and technology, micro vc accelerator, joint many partners at home and abroad, the challenge for a total of 180 days, 2017 robots innovation across eight division at home and abroad, nearly thousand teams compete. The interest of science and technology, after the conference in Beijing, won the first place, and smooth through the semi-finals, and with absolute advantages in the strong lineup to the final, winning a championship. The interest of science and technology the meeting place in the final three hours reduction final 10 teams, the interest of science and technology has brought a black science and technology, the interest of a staff with their independent research and development of 3 d scanning camera, scan the final venue, and production of the 3 d model of real whole process within 3 hours. Pitch in the audience through a link, you access to the venue of the 3 d model of real to see 3 d model of the audience is very different! This is all the more interesting entries from technology, 3 d imaging cloning. Cloning black science and technology of the real world...