新关注 > 信息聚合 > 巨头已 入场 到家服务领域初创公司更难做平台模式

巨头已 入场 到家服务领域初创公司更难做平台模式

Giants have admission home services in the field of startups is more difficult to do platform mode

2015-06-15 09:41:37来源: 搜狐

这段时间,与几个朋友在一起探讨到家服务的初创公司未来发展方向到底是做垂直细分还是平台模式。而依我所见,现在着力于到家服务领域的初创公司已经错过了做平台模式的最好时机,重度垂直细分行业的到家服务才是初创公司未来的发展方向。 下面,我就从多方面来说说为什么现在到家服务领域的初创公司已经做...

this period of time, with a few friends together to discuss the future direction of development of the home service startups in the end is vertical segments or platform model. And according to what I see now focus on in home services in the field of start-ups has missed the best time to make the platform model, severe vertical segments of the industry and the home service is the company's future development direction of the start-up. Below, I come from many aspects to talk about why now come to serve the field of startups has done...