新关注 > 信息聚合 > 人在江湖飘 闯荡热血江湖2 没个帮派怎能行

人在江湖飘 闯荡热血江湖2 没个帮派怎能行

Floating in rivers and lakes battles Yulgang 2 not a gang can

2015-07-07 13:50:06来源: 天极网

人入江湖,腥风血雨身不由己,常在江湖飘,怎么能没个帮派倚仗!俗话说得好:大树底下好乘凉!想在鱼龙混杂的江湖中站稳脚跟,有个响当当的帮派作靠山就是你这个江湖小虾米的首要任务! 由17game代理运营的《热血江湖2》改编自韩国同名人气漫画,以江湖帮派、势力之间的纷争为剧情背景,以多模式的...

people into rivers and lakes, bloody involuntarily, often floating in rivers and lakes, how can you not a gang rely on! As the proverb goes: under a good shade tree! Want to in cohabitation arena stood firm, a resounding Gang as a patron is you this river lake small shrimp primary task! By 17game agents operating in the "warm blooded rivers and lakes" adapted from South Korea namesake popular comic, itinerants Gang, between the forces of disputes as the background of the story, in a multivariate model of...