新关注 > 信息聚合 > 抢开年红包《鬼谷无双》新年福利雨降临


Grab a red envelope "ghost cereal is one like" New Year's welfare in the rain

2018-02-28 00:00:00来源: 人民网

一岁节序,此为之首;四气新元,万寿初今朝。在刚刚过去的2017年里,冰川网络经典PK网游《鬼谷无双》玩法全面革新,从全新的战神、绝地逃杀到一统天下玩法,与广大玩家共同度过了满是回忆的一年。2018新年伊始,作为火热新年的开始,《鬼谷无双》新年福利雨降临火爆来袭! 新服开启双倍经验助升级 《鬼谷无双》双线新服“谁与争锋”今日震撼开启,新服专属豪礼送不停。“双倍加开”活动同步登场,所有级别的玩家参与即可轻松赢得双倍经验。助玩家快速升级竞速、征战新服! 更有6888新春首服专属福利免费派送,让你拿到手软。“绑定元宝、4级宝石、高级强化石”等极品道具豪情相送,保你轻松直升120级,问鼎新春新服...

First section sequence, this is the highest; Four gas s, Wan Shouchu today. In just the past 2017 years, the glacier classic PK network game "ghost cereal is one like" play, from the new god of war, fled to the jedi dominated play, together with the players spent a year full of memories. 2018 at the start of the New Year, as the beginning of the New Year, hot "ghost cereal is one like" New Year benefits the rain came down incoming hot! New suit open double experience to help upgrade "ghost cereal is one like" double new clothing "" die another shock to open today, new clothing exclusive lavish gifts to send. "Double" extra activity synchronization, all levels of players to participate in to easily win the double experience. To help players to quickly upgrade racing, in his new clothes! More 6888 spring clothing exclusive benefits for free delivery, let you get soft. "Binding wing, level 4 stones, advanced fossil" gourmet props such as lofty sentiments send, you easily helicopter level 120, for the New Year new suit...