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极致还原小说修仙世界 《我欲封天》官方手游曝光

Cultivation ultimate reduction fiction world, "I want closure days," the official game of the exposure

2015-12-28 15:36:18来源: 4399

日前,小米互娱正式宣布获得起点白金小说《我欲封天》的正版授权,并将由有爱互动研发为一款大型的3DMMORPG手游。同时,作者耳根亲自加入研发团队担任监制,从游戏的角色设计到各种场景的设定都提出了自己的独到见解。 小说《我欲封天》在2014年7月7日成为起点第22本百盟书,是当前起点网“...

Recently, millet announced obtain mutual entertainment starting platinum novel "I want closure days" genuine authority, and made love to interact with research and development as a large 3DMMORPG hand tour. Meanwhile, the author ears personally join the development team as a producer, from role-playing games designed to set the various scenes are put forward their own insights. Novel "I want closure day" in July 7, 2014 became the starting point for the first 22 league one hundred books, is the starting point of the current network "...

标签: 手游