新关注 > 信息聚合 > 因没有版号两款“吃鸡”手游将下架?腾讯:谣言!


Because of no plate number two "chicken" mobile game will be pulled from the shelves? Tencent: rumors!

2018-09-19 19:16:14来源: 游戏茶馆


Today, the game tea house revealed that anonymous E-mail received, tencent to eat chicken game get plate number has become a foregone conclusion, and the next one or two months will be ordered from the shelves. Anonymous source said the news got evidence of tencent game department staff, studios have been secret research other similar new battle royale game, in the "battlefield: desperately stimulation" and "desperately: army attack after the provide a supplement, but will be huge to eat chicken user transferred to the new game on a few cannot. Two weeks before low-key launch tencent since the research of "the law of infinite" PC version is testing the waters, the future or will launch a mobile version.

标签: 手游 腾讯