新关注 > 信息聚合 > CF手游盾兵怎么打 快速消灭盾兵技巧

CF手游盾兵怎么打 快速消灭盾兵技巧

CF Mobile Games soldiers how to fight the rapid destruction of shield soldier skills

2015-12-02 17:41:25来源: 4399

在CF手游中,大家都知道盾兵的血量比较高,而且最重要的是盾兵拿着一块大盾牌,要击杀盾兵要浪费不少的时间,下面4399东东就为玩家们分享一个小技巧,让玩家们可以快速击杀盾兵,早点解决掉这群烦人的怪物。 盾兵的弱点在哪里? 要快速击杀盾兵,就要了解盾兵的弱点在哪里。在CF手游中只要是怪物...

In CF in the hands of the tour, as we all know shield soldier's blood is relatively high, and the most important is shield soldiers carrying a large shield and kill shield soldier to waste a lot of time, 4399 stuff below for players to share a little skill, so that players can quickly kill shield soldier, early solve out these annoying monster. Soldiers weaknesses? To quickly kill the soldiers, it is necessary to understand where the weakness of soldiers. In the CF Mobile Games in as long as the monster...

标签: 手游 CF