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Warcraft 8.0: the new will of the lich king will sit quietly? The two league tribe

2018-05-04 00:00:00来源: 人民网

魔兽世界8.0上线就会有巫妖王的剧情,也就是说8.0中巫妖王的戏份对剧情发展应该很重要,而且很有可能是扮演黑化的搅屎棍角色。这就有看头了,也就是说伯瓦尔很有想法。 在二代巫妖王陨落后,伯瓦尔带上帽子沉睡期间,貌似并不像阿尔萨斯一样向我们展示了伯瓦尔意识内的斗争,不同于阿尔萨斯醒来就翻天,伯瓦尔醒来自己是很低调的-指使别人搞事。 在醒来后中,巫妖王就为重组天启四骑士,到处挖坟掘墓,派莫格莱尼直接去圣光之愿礼拜堂在圣骑士手中挖弗丁的坟。虽然失败,却一石二鸟,莫格莱尼死后成四骑士之一,虽然伯瓦尔没直接掌控黑锋军团,但也让黑锋军团声名实力受损,为以后架空控制黑锋军团打下了基础。 指使死亡骑...

World of warcraft patch 8.0 will be the lich king's plot, that is to say, the lich king's scenes in 8.0 should be important to plot development, and is likely to be black shit sticks of role. It's interesting, that is to say, "DE waal has a lot of ideas. In the second generation of the lich king after the fall, "DE waal wear a hat during sleep, seems not like arthas shows Mr Anwar consciousness in the struggle, is different from Alsace wake up," wake up oneself is very low-key, letting others do things. After wake up, the wrath of the lich king for the restructuring of the four knights, digging a grave dug grave everywhere, sent mograine directly to light's hope chapel in the hands of the paladin, ding grave was. Though failed, but kill two birds with one stone, after the death of mograine into one of the four knights, although Mr Anwar no direct control over the black front army, but also let the black front army's strength is impaired, laid the foundation for later overhead control black front army. Letting death ride...