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NX power game exposed! War simulation masterpiece "the tank battle!" An NX

2016-09-05 17:41:17来源: 游久网

[导读]来自奥地利的独立游戏开发商,Bplus,近日宣布其新作《坦克战! Tank it!》将登陆NX平台。.. 【游久网9月5日消息】离发售日期2017年3月仅剩几个月的时间,但任天堂依然拒绝透露任何有关NX的实质性消息。即使近期越来越多的泄漏和谣言简直将这款设备的一切信息透了个干...

[reading] independent game developer from Austria, Bplus, recently announced its new "Tank battle Tank it!" Will land on NX platform. .. On September 5, long swim net news 】 【 from release date in March 2017, with only a few months, but nintendo still refused to disclose any substantial message of NX. Even recently more and more leaks and rumor will be all the information of this device through a dry...

标签: 游戏