新关注 > 信息聚合 > 玩家揭秘:你知道世界第一款H游戏是怎样的?


Players reveal: you know the world's first H game is what kind of?

2015-08-18 00:41:06来源: 17173

什么?世界上第一款H游戏竟然不是日本的?居然只有文字木有图像?所以H画面基本只能靠开脑洞了是吗?啥!这游戏竟然现在还有相当数量的玩家粉丝?游戏开发者居然是和暴雪齐名的当年发行《半条命》的公司(V社)?真的没有骗你!且听我慢慢道来。 第一款H游戏仅有文字,却直到现在还拥有粉丝玩家 1...

? The world's first H game is not the Japanese? Actually only text wood has an image? So the H picture can only rely on the brain hole is it? What! The game is now a considerable number of players fans? Game developers that Blizzard par was issued "half life" of the company (V)? I really didn't lie to you! And listen to me slowly. The first H game only text, but until now also has fans 1...

标签: 游戏 玩家