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战地4复杂游戏彩蛋曝光 你能完成吗?

Battlefield 4 game Eggs complex impressions can you finish it?

2015-12-26 06:15:56来源: 和讯网

彩蛋是指开发者放在游戏里的一些有趣的内容,它独立于游戏整体剧情之外,可能是一句话或者一张图甚至是一个独立的关卡。这些有趣的彩蛋需要玩家用不懈的努力包括一点运气去找到他们,通常这些彩蛋的完成可比通关游戏复杂多了。 海里出现大白鲨的彩蛋 战地4这款游戏就包涵许多有意思的彩蛋,包括以前著...

Eggs means developers on the game some interesting content, it is separate from the game as a whole story, it may be a word or a picture or even a separate level. Interestingly, these eggs require players to make unremitting efforts to include a bit of luck to find them, these eggs are usually completed comparable clearance game more complicated. The sea appears Jaws eggs Battlefield 4 game to bear many interesting eggs, including before the ...

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