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Flash再遭重创 Twitch或明年完成HTML5转换

Flash Twitch, CEO of HTML5 and next year to complete the conversion of

2015-09-28 18:03:22来源: 17173

Twitch网站的首席执行官埃米特·希尔(Emmet Shear)宣布这间游戏在线直播网站将会在2016年的第二季度完成由Flash向HTML5的全部转换。由于Twitch网站目前的播主数量已经达到了170万人,因此该网站的转换对Flash来说可谓是又一项沉重打击,这项技术眼下在英特网上...

Twitch to Emmet (Shear) announced that the game will be the second quarter of 2016 to complete the conversion from HTML5 to Flash. Due to the website twitch the sowing quantity has reached 170 million people, so the site's conversion to flash can be described as is a heavy blow, the technology now on the Internet.

标签: Twitch