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游戏直播双雄对峙 YouTube挑战Twitch还缺什么

The game live hutch confrontation YouTube challenge twitch lacks what

2015-08-29 07:38:57来源: 178游戏网

谷歌旗下视频分享网站YouTube今天推出YouTube Gaming,包括网站和iOS、Android应用,这一举措标志着谷歌正式进军游戏在线直播领域,正面挑战Twitch。谷歌去年一度接近收购Twitch,但后者最终被亚马逊公司以9.7亿美元的价格截胡,所以某种程度上讲,谷歌推出Yo...

Google's video sharing site YouTube today launched a YouTube gaming, including websites and IOS, Android application, the move marks Google formally enter the game online broadcast field, a direct challenge to twitch. Google was close to the acquisition of Twitch last year, but the latter was eventually Amazon Co to $970000000 price cut Hu, so to some extent, Google launched Yo...

标签: 游戏 直播 Twitch