新关注 > 信息聚合 > 百名司机在易到上海讨债,客服推脱称“卸载滴滴即可提现”


Hundreds of drivers in Shanghai, is easy to remember, the protector of the service called "uninstall drops can withdrawal"

2017-04-18 16:07:09来源: TECH2IPO创见

据《国际金融报》报道,4 月 18 日近百名易到专车司机来到易到上海的办公处,拉横幅要求易到完成提现承诺。4 月 17 日晚,易到创始人周航发公开信「谴责乐视挪用易到 13 亿资金」,随后遭到乐视方面的回应和「强烈谴责」,双方口水战由此展开,这也进一步激化了易到专车司机和易到公司的矛盾。 据报道,前来讨债的司机中均被拖欠 1-3 万的金额,司机表示从 2 个月前开始就遇到了体现困难的问题。其中还有不少司机采用租车再开易到的方式赚钱,不少人已经交不起下个月的汽车租金,生活困难。 还有司机师傅穿着带有「套路」字眼的衣服来暗讽易到对司机提现存在套路,并表示...

According to the international financial reported, on April 18, hundreds of easy to car driver came easily to Shanghai office, pull banners requirement is easy to complete the withdrawal commitments. On the evening of April 17, easy to eay founder's letter "to condemn Letv appropriate funds" for easy to 1.3 billion, then by Letv response and "strongly condemned", the two sides spat on, which further intensified the easy to the driver of the car and to the company. It is reported that the driver came to debt collection in all unpaid amount of 1-30000, the driver said since 2 months ago encountered difficult problems. Including many drivers used to rent a car to open the way to make money, a lot of people have to pay next month's rent car, life difficult. And the driver teacher wearing clothes with a "routine" word to allusion to routine withdrawal to the driver, and say...