新关注 > 信息聚合 > 乙女游戏《梦100》今日甜蜜公测 给你最浪漫的邂..

乙女游戏《梦100》今日甜蜜公测 给你最浪漫的邂..

"Dream 100" Otome game today beta sweet to give you the most romantic encounter.

2015-12-14 11:32:23来源: 不凡游戏网

由bilibili代理发行的乙女恋爱手游《梦王国与沉睡的100王子》(简称《梦100》)今日正式公测,开放iOS、Android全平台免费下载。《梦100》是一款来自日本的乙女恋爱游戏,今年9月10日开放国服测试以来获得了广大玩家的关注与支持,并于近期成为App Store“二次元游戏”...

Issued by the BiliBili agent Otome love tour "dream kingdom and sleeping 100 Prince" (hereinafter referred to as the dream 100 ") today officially open beta, open IOS, Android platform for free download. "Dream 100" is from a Japanese Otome game of love, this year on September 10, opening up the country's service test since won the attention and support of the majority of the players, and became the app store "two dimensional game in the near future"...

标签: 游戏