新关注 > 信息聚合 > CAPCOM发布《怪物猎人XX》联动全职猎人宣传片


Issue the "monster hunter XX" CAPCOM linkage promotion full-time hunter

2017-04-18 00:00:00来源: 人民网

今年3月《怪物猎人XX》还没有正式发售时,CAPCOM就已经确认本作会与富坚义博的动漫作品全职猎人进行联动,今天CAPCOM方面发表了联动的宣传片,一起来看看吧。 怪物猎人xx 怪物猎人 怪物猎人 3DS《怪物猎人XX》与《全职猎人》联动的内容是主角小杰觉醒后的样子,从视频来看觉醒小杰超级夸张的长发甚至超过了游戏中大剑的高度,而且黑化的恐怖感,简直秒杀迅龙的眼神。

In march of this year "monster hunter XX" has not officially on sale, CAPCOM has confirmed this to do with the level of animation works full-time hunter linkage, CAPCOM today issued a joint promotion, and see it together. Monster hunter xx monster hunter Monster hunter 3 ds "monster hunter XX" and "full-time hunter" content is the leading role of the little hero after awakening, from video to see the little hero awakening super exaggerated long hair even more than the height of the game cuhk sword, and black terror, can kill the newsletter look in the eyes of the dragon. & have spent

标签: PC 怪物猎人