新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《部落冲突》春节竟推电视购物 G僧东倾情主持

《部落冲突》春节竟推电视购物 G僧东倾情主持

"Tribal conflict" the Spring Festival has pushed the TV shopping G monk east to host

2019-02-02 00:00:00来源: 人民网

临近春节,各位首领们忙着过节的时候,也要记得关注《部落冲突》的新年献礼哦!除了超值新春礼包即将于除夕上线,《部落冲突》还推出了超有趣的 “神奇部落购物”H5互动页面,特别请到了知名博主G僧东坐阵主持,将我们新年最好的一波道具大礼“推销”给大家! “打浦桥王力宏”坐镇主持 商品清单诚意满满 本次《部落冲突》“电视购物”的主持人,我们请到了有着“打浦桥王力宏”之称的知名自媒体人G僧东。通过这个特别的电视购物互动H5页面,凭借自己幽默风趣的视频风格而获得了超高人气的G僧东,将在互动中卖力地推销哪些神奇道具呢?让我们来一一揭晓。 新春礼包除夕上架,万能之...

Near the Spring Festival, everybody leaders busy holiday, also remember to focus on "tribal conflict" New Year's gift oh! In addition to the special New Year gift bag on New Year's eve online, the tribal conflict also launched a super interesting "shopping" magical tribe H5 interactive pages, especially in a prominent blogger monk sat east G, we have to be one of the best New Year wave props gift "sell" to everyone! "Dapuqiao station wang" in sincerity with host commodity list The "tribal conflict" host "TV shopping", we are please to have a "dapuqiao station wang," said the famous monk east media G. Through the special TV shopping interaction H5 page, with his humorous style of video and gained popularity G monk east, what magic props will be hard to sell in the interaction? Let's one by one. & have spent & have spent Lunar New Year gift bag on New Year's eve, the universal...