新关注 > 信息聚合 > 火影忍者手游开服时间表 新区开服时间是什么时候

火影忍者手游开服时间表 新区开服时间是什么时候

Naruto mobile game service schedule the new open served time is what time

2016-02-15 15:59:15来源: 4399

火影忍者手游什么时候开新服?有新区开测表吗?目前火影忍者手游分为QQ和微信两个登陆渠道,并且两个渠道信息不互通,开服的时间也不一样,下面4399阿尔法就告诉大家新服开服时间的答案。 问:火影忍者手游新服什么时候开服?新区开测表有吗? 答:火影忍者手游目前没有什么所谓的开服表,因为游戏...

Naruto mobile game when it opens a new suit? There are new open test table? Naruto now mobile game is divided into two landing QQ and WeChat channel, and each of the two channels of information, and open service time is different also, below 4399 alfa will tell you the new clothing take time to answer. Q: naruto mobile game open clothing when will the new suit? The new open test table has? A: naruto mobile game now there is no so-called open serve tables, because the game...

标签: 手游