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Song constant network in software enterprises

2018-11-08 14:20:00来源: 美通社

上海2018年11月8日电 /美通社/ -- 在刚刚过去的金秋十月,众多行业荣誉、奖项的年度评选已经接近尾声,资讯聚合APP东方头条母公司嵩恒网络在今年的强势增长中,又获众多行业认可,仅在上月就连摘两大硕果:获颁“2018年度上海市科技小巨人工程”立项,并入选“2018上海软件企业百强榜”。 嵩恒网络入选“2018上海市软件企业百强” 分开来看,“2018上海软件企业百强”是上海市经信委为推动本市软件产业发展,促进软件企业做优做强,同时在上海市软件行业协会和各区软件产业主管部门推荐企业的基础上,征得企业同意确认后对上海软件企业按2015~2017年经营收入规模进行的排名,该榜...

Shanghai in November 2018, 8 (Reuters)/pr newswire/in this autumn - in the past, many industry honors, awards the annual selection is drawing to a close, information aggregation APP Oriental headlines parent fleabane constant network in this year's strong growth, and won numerous industry recognition, and only in the last month even pick two fruit: was awarded "2018 little giant project of Shanghai science and technology" project, was named "2018 Shanghai software enterprise top". Fleabane constant network to be included in the "top 2018 software enterprises in Shanghai" separate, "top 2018 Shanghai software enterprise" is the letter committee of Shanghai to promote the development of software industry in the city, promote software companies do best and stronger, at the same time in Shanghai software industry association and recommended by the competent department of the software industry enterprises, on the basis of the consent of the company agreed to after confirmation of Shanghai software enterprise operating income in 2015 ~ 2015 scale rank, the list...