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East-West Digital News:2014年速卖通和eBay占..

The Russian e-commerce reporting East-West Digital News:2014 sold speed pass and eBay..

2015-04-16 17:06:51来源: 199IT

国际资讯公司East-West Digital News发布的俄罗斯电子商务报告显示,阿里巴巴全球速卖通和eBay是俄罗斯市场上两个占主导地位的国外电商零售平台,截至2014中期,两个平台共占据俄罗斯80%的跨境贸易电子商务市场份额。 从电商市场规模来看,2014年俄罗斯网上零售市场总...

international information company East-West Digital released by News, Alibaba aliexpress and eBay two on the Russian market dominated by foreign retail electricity provider platform, as of mid 2014, two platforms accounted for 80% of Russia's trade and cross-border e-commerce market share. From the electricity supplier market point of view, in 2014 the Russian online retail market...