继《我是江小白》、新海诚大成建设动画广告等之后,5月份糖果品牌KisKis 联手知名动画团队七灵石也重磅上线了一部乙女广告番《KisKis!我的男友是薄荷糖》。其主要讲述了黑加仑、柠檬、西瓜、水蜜桃四款口味的薄荷糖,化身赛仑、蒙斯特、席勒和桃π四位“糖系”男友,与女主糖糖发生的浪漫恋情。动画凭借高颜值的画风和甜蜜爆棚的剧情,异军突起,全网播放量突破3900万。网友均表示“糖系男友太圈粉”“画风666”“甜爆买爆”等,好评无数。 此次KisKis 首次跨界动画领域,也是品牌与年轻粉丝“谈情说爱”的一次成功尝试。那么此次的KisKis 动画跨界为何能圈粉无数呢? 用二次元恋爱打动少女心,品牌...
After I am Jiang Xiaobai, new haicheng taisei animated ads, such as candy brand KisKis jointly well-known animation team in May 7 LingShi blockbuster online also a b female ads were "KisKis! My boyfriend is mint. Its main tells the story of black currant, lemon, watermelon, peach four taste of mint, incarnation shimron, mons, Schiller and four peach PI "sugar" boyfriend, romantic relationship with the Japanese sugar sugar. Animation with the high level of appearance style and sweet at the plot, the meteoric rise of the entire network broadcasting volume reached 39 million. Netizens have said "powder sugar is a boyfriend too" "666" style "sweet blasting explosive buy" etc, the high praise. The first crossover KisKis animation, also is the brand and young fans a successful attempt to "love". So why the KisKis animation crossover can ring powder countless? With the secondary element in love a girl heart, brand...