新关注 > 信息聚合 > 武大硕士辞职做电竞主播 月入过万秒杀都市白领

武大硕士辞职做电竞主播 月入过万秒杀都市白领

Wu3 Da4 master resigned anchor Gaming Monthly Income of over million spike urban white-collar

2015-10-08 16:15:56来源: 威海新闻网

武大硕士辞职做电竞主播 月入过万秒杀都市白领。如果游戏打得不错,还喜欢和别人自己打游戏的经历,你完全可以考虑一个全新的职业“电竞主播”。谁说爱好不可以当职业?今年上半年,来自香港的90后卢本伟,从电竞职业选手转做电竞主播,年薪过千万。而和他签约的就是武汉的一家游戏直播平台“斗鱼”。 ...

Wu3 Da4 master abdication of anchor Gaming Monthly Income of over million spike urban white-collar workers. If game played well, and others like playing their own game experience, you can consider a new career in eSports anchor. Who says love can not be a career? The first half of this year, from Hongkong 90 Lu Benwei, to do gaming gaming players from the anchor occupation, annual salary of over ten million. A game and he signed the "broadcast platform is Wuhan macropodus". ...

标签: 主播 电竞