新关注 > 信息聚合 > 马云再回母校 投5000万升级“阿里巴巴商学院”

马云再回母校 投5000万升级“阿里巴巴商学院”

Jack ma, return to his Alma mater, throw 50 million upgrade "alibaba business school"

2017-10-13 17:37:01来源: DoNews

DoNews10月13日消息(记者 翟继茹)在云栖大会召开期间,马云回到了母校杭州师范大学,再投入5000万元用于人才培养。杭州师范大学与阿里巴巴集团签署《共建“杭州师范大学阿里巴巴商学院”》合作协议,阿里巴巴将投入5000万,用于把阿里巴巴商学院升级为以互联网商务为鲜明特色的创新型商学院。杭州师大阿里巴巴商学院最早于2008年在马云的支持下创立。按照合作协议,共建学院将独立自主决定教学计划、课程设置和教学安排,也将结合自身特点制定并实施适用于共建学院的学生管理规定,阿里巴巴集团学术委员会主席曾鸣将担任院长一职。马云曾公开表示,“假如你毕业于名校,请用欣赏的眼光看别人。假如你毕业于一个普通学校...

DoNews10 13th news (reporter ZhaiJiRu) in the cloud during the meeting, Mr. Ma returned to his Alma mater, hangzhou normal university to allocate 50 million yuan to cultivation of talents. Hangzhou normal university with alibaba group signed "build" alibaba hangzhou normal university business school "" cooperation agreement, spent 50 million, alibaba will be used to upgrade the alibaba business school for innovative school of Internet commerce as distinct features. Hangzhou normal university alibaba business school as early as 2008 with the support of ma was created. According to the cooperation agreement, to build college will be decided independent teaching plans, curriculum and teaching arrangement, will also be combined with the characteristics of formulation and implementation of applicable to build college student management rules, alibaba group, the academic committee chairman Ming zeng worked as a director. Ma Yunceng openly said, "if you graduated from famous universities, please look at the others from the view of appreciation. If you graduated from a normal school...