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Mobile Internet tencent's opportunities and challenges in the second half (on)

2018-05-13 17:55:00来源: 品途网

上周的一篇《腾讯没有梦想》刷屏朋友圈,由此引发了关于腾讯产品能力和创新精神的大讨论。在进入移动互联网的下半场之后,阿里的强势、头条的崛起、美团的扩张等等互联网巨头在圈子掀起的风浪,无不蚕食着腾讯帝国的疆土。在这样一个弱肉强食的战场,腾讯的机遇在哪?在各方的挑战帖纷至沓来的同时,如何更好的去证明自己是一家国内优秀顶尖的互联网公司?上篇:腾讯的机遇▌ 注:(1)文中头条指公司是字节跳动,指产品是今日头条APP(2)本文从互联网进化趋势去理解腾讯过去的辉煌与现在面临的机遇与挑战,顺势者生,逆势者亡。移动互联网信息层上半场属于社交网络+图文,下半场属于智能网络+视频前者属于腾讯,后者属于头条...

Last week a "tencent without dreams" refresh circle of friends, the resulting about tencent product ability and the innovation spirit of big discussion. After entering the mobile Internet in the second half, the strength of the ali, headlines, Meituan expansion etc. With the rise of the Internet giant in the circle of the wind and waves, is eating into the territory of tencent's empire. In such a dog-eat-dog battlefield, tencent's opportunity? Already in the challenge of the parties at the same time, how to better to prove yourself to be a excellent domestic top Internet company? Last: the opportunity of tencent ▌ & have spent Note: (1) the article headline refers to company bytes, refers to the product of today's headlines APP (2) this article from the Internet evolution trend to understand tencent the glory of our past and are now facing opportunities and challenges, conveniently raw, contrarian will perish. Mobile Internet information belongs to the social network + graphic layer of the first half, the second half to intelligent network + video the former to tencent, the latter belongs to the headline...

标签: 腾讯