新关注 > 信息聚合 > 区块链真实落地调查:区块链溯源,能让食品更安全吗?


Chain real ground investigation: the block chain, can make food safer?

2018-02-28 19:21:00来源: 品途网

区块链已被捧至神坛。 被包装得神乎其神的区块链,到底在哪个场景落地了? 一本君将从今日开始,遍访区块链项目,探访实际落地情况,并展望未来。 以下是第一篇,区块链真的能解决食品安全问题? 在币市惊心动魄的时刻,区块链项目的落地,却显得步履蹒跚。 区块链具有不可篡改性,大家设想的第一应用场景,就是:溯源。 在农业市场,区块链正在尝试落地。 食品安全,一直是中国人的心头之痛。 区块链技术真的能让这个难题迎刃而解? 01 广阔市场 中国农业是一个巨大的市场。 国家统计局数据显示,2016年,我国农作物总播种面积,达到166650千公顷;农产品流通市场在1...

Block chain has been holding to the altar. Packaged acclaimed block chain, exactly which scene fell to the ground? A gentleman will start from today, visited block chain project, visit the actual fall to the ground, and in the future. Is the first article, block chain really can solve the problem of food safety? & have spent In currency, thrilling and exciting moment, block chain fall to the ground of the project, is faltering. Block chain is not tampered with, everyone's vision of a first application scenario, is that roots. In the agricultural market, block chain is trying to be born. Food safety has always been a Chinese heart pain. Block chain technology can really make this problem solved? 01 & have spent Broad market China's agriculture is a huge market. The national bureau of statistics data show that in 2016, the total sown area of crops in our country, 166.65 million hectares; The circulation of agricultural products market in 1...

标签: 区块链