新关注 > 信息聚合 > GCS游戏链携“找你妹” 打造中国首款原生区块链游戏

GCS游戏链携“找你妹” 打造中国首款原生区块链游戏

GCS game chain with "find your sister" build China's first primary block chain game

2017-12-28 00:00:00来源: 人民网

继本月上旬GCS游戏链发布了主链和落地项目BOX.WIN超级游戏盒项目之后,近日GCS游戏链发起人凌连伟又宣布与“找你妹”创作团队CEO张帆在成都宣布达成战略合作,双方将共同开发一款基于GCS游戏公链的原生区块链游戏。这也将是国内首个游戏公链上的原生区块链游戏。 “找你妹”创作人张帆在复盘整个撸猫游戏后,感觉自己像被一束光点亮了,重新又燃起了创作激情!他表示,撸猫和区块链的完美结合完全开启了一个全新的游戏品类,从玩法到内嵌的商业价值逻辑,都太精巧太精致了!他有信心,“找你妹”团队再次出征,再创原生区块链游戏辉煌! 作为GCS游戏链发起人,凌连伟也是一个游戏老兵,同时还是币圈、链圈的老...

Following the main chain of the chain of GCS game released earlier this month and ground projects BOX. The project after WIN the super game BOX, GCS game chain promoter LingLianWei announced recently to "find your sister" creative team CEO sail in chengdu announced a strategic cooperation, the two sides will jointly develop a native block based on the GCS game chain chain game. It will be first domestic game and native blocks on the chain chain. "Find your sister" creators sail after checking the whole rolled cat game, feel like a beam of light is bright, with creative passion again! Rolled cat and chain blocks, he said, the perfect combination of fully opened up a whole new game category, from the play to the commercial value of the embedded logic, they are too clever too delicate! He is confident, "" to find your sister team go out again and again the native block chain game brilliant! As GCS chain promoter game, veteran LingLianWei is also a game, and at the same time, chain or currency circle old...

标签: 游戏 区块链