新关注 > 信息聚合 > 萌果VR与小蚁团队合作,探索区块链+游戏


Fruit of VR and small ant team cooperation, explore block chain + games

2017-01-23 00:00:00来源: 人民网

区块链行业在2016年取得了蓬勃发展,我们甚至可以预见它在17年的井喷发展。然而,传统金融业迎接区块链技术的步伐更像是无奈和跟风之举,而其他领域的区块链项目投机属性过剩。实际落地的应用场景少之又少。 被誉为国内公有区块链标杆的小蚁区块链自去年10月主网运行以来一直保持平稳的商业和技术发展,此次特别迎来了与萌果VR团队的合作。萌果VR致力于研发与发行适合全年龄段玩家的,游戏性博弈性俱佳的VR休闲竞技类游戏,通用于线上及线下市场,以高科技丰富人们的娱乐方式。萌果VR此前开发的对战游戏BombU已经登录Steam VR平台,取得了非常不俗的销量和优质的海外市场口碑,被认为是目前Viv...

Block chain industry made a vigorous development in 2016, we could see it even in the 17 years of blowout development. However, the traditional financial industry to meet the pace of the block chain technology is more like a helpless and follow suit, and other areas of speculative excess attribute block chain project. Actual ground application scenario for the few and far between. Has been hailed as a domestic public chain little ant benchmarking the block chain since last October, main operation has kept a steady business and technology development, the special welcomed with the fruit of VR team cooperation. Fruit of VR is committed to research and development and distribution is suitable for players of all ages, playful game where VR leisure sports games, general in the online and offline market, with high-tech enrich people's entertainment. Of fruit of the development of VR after games BombU logged Steam VR platform, has achieved very good sales and good reputation in overseas markets, is considered to be the Viv...