新关注 > 信息聚合 > 首届Cocos区块链游戏技术大会将于3月24日在京举办


The first Cocos block chain game technology conference will be held in Beijing in March 24th.

2018-03-20 00:00:00来源: 人民网

3月24日,由触控科技重磅打造的首届“Cocos区块链游戏技术大会”将在北京中关村时尚产业园BIFTPARK举行。 进入2018年来,区块链行业已更多的开始关注其场景落地、应用落地的方向。而区块链与游戏的结合应用,就是业内关注的一大焦点。本届大会将借鉴当前国际区块链技术产业发展经验,融合主题演讲、技术研讨、案例分享等多种形式,深度研讨区块链游戏开发技术,邀请行业嘉宾共同交流知识、分享经验、碰撞思维。 业内多位大咖级嘉宾将齐聚本届大会。其中,触控科技CEO陈昊芝、Cocos引擎创始人&厦门雅基软件CEO王哲、硬币资本合伙人、Candy.one相关机构人士等嘉宾都将应邀出席演讲。...

In March 24th, the first "Cocos block chain game technology conference", which was built by touch technology, will be held at BIFTPARK, Zhongguancun Fashion Industrial Park, Beijing. Entering the 2018, block chain industry has begun to pay more attention to the direction of landing and landing. The combination of block chaining and games is a major focus of the industry. This conference will draw lessons from the development experience of the current international block chain technology industry, integrate the theme speech, technical discussion, case sharing and other forms, deeply discuss the development technology of block chain game, inviting industry guests to share knowledge, share experience and collision thinking. Many large coffee grade guests will gather in this session. Among them, touch technology CEO Chen Haozhi, Cocos engine founder &amp, Xiamen Ya Ji software CEO Wang Zhe, coin capital partners, Candy.one related organizations and other guests will be invited to attend the speech. ...

标签: 游戏 区块链