新关注 > 信息聚合 > 区块链养猫游戏CryptoKitties获1200万美元融资


Block chain cat game CryptoKitties won $12 million financing

2018-03-22 00:00:00来源: 人民网

据蓝鲸TMT消息:区块链养猫游戏CryptoKitties(《谜恋猫》)于近日被拆分成独立公司,并且已经获得1200万美元融资,本轮融资的领投方是AndreessenHorowitz和UnionSquareVentures。 据了解,该游戏已经吸引150多万用户,总共完成的交易已经超过4000万美元。游戏中,最流行的一些小猫价值已经超过20万美元。 CryptoKitties由AxiomZen工作室开发,是一款虚拟区块链养猫游戏。它基于以太坊智能合约打造,玩家在游戏中可买卖并繁殖不同品种的电子宠物猫。和普通养宠游戏不同,你的区块链宠物都被记录在公开透明的区块链上,不仅是独一无二的。而且一...

According to blue whale TMT news: block chain cat game CryptoKitties (riddle cat) has been split into an independent company recently, and has received 12 million dollars in financing, the current round of financing of the leading parties are AndreessenHorowitz and UnionSquareVentures. It is understood that the game has attracted about 1500000 users and has completed a total of more than $40 million. In the game, some of the most popular kittens have been worth more than 200 thousand dollars. CryptoKitties, developed by the AxiomZen studio, is a virtual block chain cat game. It is based on the intelligent contract of the Tai Fang, the player can buy and sell different kinds of electronic pet cats in the game. And ordinary pet game is different, the blockchain pet you are recorded in a transparent block chain, not only is the one and only. And one...

标签: 游戏 区块链