新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《新天龙八部》第五届全球争霸赛 7月27日开战

《新天龙八部》第五届全球争霸赛 7月27日开战

"New dragon eight" the fifth global tournament in July 27th the war

2015-07-20 08:07:42来源: 17173


3D romantic martial arts online games "new dragon eight" the fifth global competition, will be in July 27th the war. Year's biggest event detonated summer boiling point! Battlefield changeable, your God of the exhibition style Denon martial arts, who is the master? The blood, the most wonderful top event, the first time appear in front of global players, the interpretation of "the only true esoteric brothers fight this life"! Chinese Paladin ninety thousand phone again, gathered in the heart. A party, full of brothers...