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打造游戏旗舰 网易携一加推出游戏手机

Build the game's flagship NetEase with a plus launched mobile games

2016-04-11 10:01:20来源: IT168

▲一加将携手网易游戏《掠夺者》打造游戏旗舰手机 一加手机品牌成立于2013年底,它以“不将就”为品牌理念,致力为消费者提供高品质、优设计的产品,坚持“让好产品说话”。得益于这种精品理念,一加手机被诸多国际媒体获悉、熟知并称赞,自2014年起,《时代周刊》、《纽约时报》、《华尔街日报》...

"One plus game" plunder "NetEase will work together to create a game with a flagship mobile phone mobile phone brand was founded in the end of 2013, it will not" brand philosophy, is committed to providing high quality and excellent design for consumer products, adhere to the "make good products speak". Thanks to this kind of quality concept, a plus mobile phone has been informed, known and praised by many international media, since 2014, "Time", "New York Times", "Wall Street Journal"...

标签: 游戏 网易