新关注 > 信息聚合 > 每日佳软:大圈小圈玩法奇特的圆形跑酷


Daily jiaruan: strange circle circle play round Parkour

2015-09-06 10:01:47来源: 和讯网

如今市面上各类游戏层出不穷,如何在已有种类中玩出创意就是游戏制造者需要考虑的。今天笔者推荐的这款跑酷类游戏一改以往常用的形式,把跑酷和圆圈结合在了一起,让人一上手就有耳目一新的感觉。 每日佳软:玩法奇特的圆形跑酷 《圆形跑酷oO》画面元素很简单,基础关卡中是大大小小的圆圈相接,玩家...

now on the market all kinds of games emerge in endlessly, how to in the existing species play creative is the game makers need to consider. Today I recommend this Parkour Games changed form commonly used in the past, the combination of Parkour and circle in the together, people started to have a refreshing feeling. Daily jiaruan: play strange circular Parkour "round Parkour OO" picture elements are simple, basic level is large and small circles connected and internationally.