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DNF5月11日活动汇总 神灯翻牌活动来袭

11 DNF5 activity summary lamp turn brand activities

2017-05-04 00:00:00来源: 人民网

DNF体验服更新了一些活动,将在5月11日正式推出,目前曝光了3个活动,下面就为大家带来详细介绍。 乔安·费雷诺的神灯 每天登陆都能领取一次神灯,打开后可以在两种奖励中选择一种,周末的神灯奖励会不一样。 魔性卡牌对对翻 就是翻牌活动……翻到一样的就可以获得积分,不一样的就消耗次数然后啥也没有。 累计30/150积分即可获得奖励礼盒。 30分奖励: 150分奖励: 超强去污洗一洗 每天登陆都能获得12个洗衣皂。 在推荐地下城遇到特殊怪物会掉落大量洗衣皂。 收集洗衣皂,交给暗黑城的洗刷刷精灵,选...

DNF experience serving updated some activities, will be officially launched on May 11, the exposure the three activities, bring in detail are below. Joan fee at Renault's lamp Every landing can receive a magic lamp, after open, can choose a kind of in the two kinds of rewards, weekend lamp rewards would be different. & have spent Ones card for flip card activity is... Turn to the same can gain integral, different consumption number then what also have no. The cumulative score 30/150 can be rewarded gift box. 30 points reward: 150 reward: & have spent Strong decontamination washing Every landing can get 12 laundry soap. In special recommend dungeons monsters will drop a lot of laundry soap. Collect laundry soap to diablo city wash brush elves, choose...

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